Terms and Conditions

Updated: 17 May 2024


Intellectual Property:

All content on the Evergreen Poetry website, like images, poetry, text, and graphics, is owned by us. Basically, it means that it’s protected by copyright and all other laws. You are welcome to read, enjoy, and share this with your friends and for your personal use. Please do not use this content for commercial purposes without our permission.

Use of the Website/User Conduct:

The Evergreen Poetry website is for poetry lovers to explore, read, and enjoy poetry. On this website, browse our collection, share your thoughts with us, and please use this site responsibly. This means no harmful activities such as breaking laws, hacking, or spreading viruses while using our website.

Sometimes we provide links to other related websites for your use, but we do not control these websites. If you visit these websites, please see their terms and policies.

User Registration:

If you want to upload poetry and submit comments on our website, you will have to create an account. Please provide us with correct information and keep your login details safe.

User Responsibilities:

Your responsibility is to be respectful and follow the rules and laws when you use Evergreen Poetry. Do not copy poetry without our permission, and do not publish offensive content on this website.


If you misuse the site and break the rules, we will stop your access to the website. We will let you know if this happens, and I hope you understand.

Disclaimer of warranty:

While you’re looking for good user experiences and accuracy on the evergreen Poetry website, we cannot guarantee that it will be free of errors.

Thanks for understanding!

Limitation of liability:

We try our best to make Evergreen Poetry great. However, we are not responsible for anything going wrong with our website or if you have any problems using this site. Use it at your own risk.

Contact information:

If you need to contact us for any reason about Evergreen Poetry, or if you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us at evergreenpoetry.com@gmail.com.